Wine tastings

We all have at least some time stood in front of a shelf full of wine and helplessly tried to pry out of the shape of the bottle, label, wine description and the price tag at least some idea about the quality of the wine in question. Choosing wine without professional advice or tasting is more or less a lottery.

It is perfectly natural that a wineshop is a place where you can learn a lot about wines but also to try them without having to buy an entire bottle. That is why you can try our new stock and the Wine of the Week right in our shop.

During larger wine tastings you can try a selection of various wines from a single winemaker or a themed selection of different wines from various winemakers, always accompanied with a professional presentation in Slovak, English, or Russian.

We deliver our wine tastings within magical premises of the southern bastion of the Smolenice castle, that appear as if they were build just for that. Up to fifty guests can feel comfortable and enjoy themselves on two storeys. We do tastings like this that are public and also for private parties. In case our guests feel like spending more time in our wineshop, we offer both cold and hot refreshments.